Medical Software business | Can be run from anywhere; completely online + portable!

About this business for sale

Medical Software business | Can be run from anywhere; completely online + portable!

So you ask ‘what qualities of software empower more people to be successful?’ It is the design? Good design is innovative, makes a product useful, is aesthetic, makes a product understandable, is unobtrusive, honest, long-lasting, thorough down to the last detail, environmentally-friendly and is as little design as possible.

Look no further….this well designed medical software business is selling to enable owner’s retirement. The owners have invested $4M over 33 years into this business and with over 120 customers currently paying them a maintenance fee, they are passively earning in excess of $120K pa in recurring billings.

What products/services does the software provide?

The medical software suite is versatile, highly customisable and can be used in conjunction with other medical support/third party solutions.

Versatility: Designed to answer the needs irrespective of the size of the practice. This includes:

  • Patient Accounting / Billing
  • Electronic Diary
  • Online Claiming
  • Patient Clinical Records
  • Orders
  • e-Reports (for specialist sending) and e-Results (for path and imaging results)
  • Prescriptions, Medication interaction & Information
  • Database for surgical audit purposes

It has been designed for hospital clinics and small and large medical clinics; the specialists have picked this up and run with it.  The business is unencumbered and has huge potential for growth.

Transition Options

The current owner is keen to be fully involved in any handover wishes, even 3-5 years F/T work with the new buyer. A positive selling feature for this business would be if this owner stayed as she single-handedly drives JAM Software is this business is her real baby, & she would be a real asset and ‘go-getter’ to any purchaser.


  • $4 Million invested in software development
  • Licensed and Trade Marked software
  • Ongoing repeatable billing
  • Profitable business
  • 33-year trading history and brand awareness
  • Can be operated from anywhere, Australia wide client base.
  • Low operational cost base

Please contact us for further information & photos.