28 yrs established GP practice in Western Sydney | Solo w/ rooms to add GPs

About this business for sale

28 yrs established GP practice in Western Sydney | Solo w/ rooms to add GPs

The pts are mostly bulk billed, however as the patient demographics are middle class, it might be an option to migrate some of the pts over to be privately billed; some are already. There are new buildings being built in this suburb so the demographics are changing with a lot of the elderly passing on and newer families moving into the community. There is a massive residential aged care community at the end of the street, and currently the vendor is not providing GP support; this is something that the new buyer might wish to offer.

Most of the active patient files are on Medical Director 3 however, she is running a hybrid system, with the hard files there more out of habit. There is a F/T receptionist there who might remain with the new buyer on a P/T basis if required. Laverty does the path collections if they are taken in house. There were new computers installed about 3 yrs ago, and there is an adjustable/automatic bed. The owner is looking to sell for $97K ono. The clinic is currently not accredited however, was until 2016. There are no on-line bookings available as yet.

Currently open 5.5 days a week; with no extended or early days. Room to grow this business from a solo to a group practice. Allied health is in a separate building at the rear of this GP practice. Plenty of room to add allied health and pathology to this facility which was previously a residential home. Until 2018, this retirement age GP worked full time and she was billing at the $400K+ mark. Now that she has reduced her hours, to 9.30am-1pm and 2-5pm Mon to Fri and half a day on Sat, her billings are reduced to about $270K pa.

  1. New landlord from end of April 2019 so a new lease for an extended period available
  2. Building is not heritage listed however, if does have a lovely Federation feel with large rooms and high ceilings
  3. The GP clinic in the building at the front is for sale; the building at the rear of the block is not a part of this transaction

Key features of this practice are:

::Active GP patient base; some loyal to this practice for 28 years

::New, long lease available with the new freehold owner

::Large consulting rooms with 12 foot ornate ceilings

::MD used for patient file management

::Current female GP will remain working 3x half days with the new owner

Please contact us for further information & photos.