2x clinic locations (both DWS + RRMA 5) | 1x FTE GP pt load
About this business for sale
2x clinic locations (both DWS + RRMA 5) | 1x FTE GP pt load
Come on Inland if you want to make way more in patient billings than a city GP can!
Where the devil is Upper Hunter Country? http://www.upperhuntercountry.com/images/pdf/UHCT_2018VG_flip.pdf -> Come on up to Upper Hunter Country and find yourself amongst wilderness areas, distinctive wineries, world class horse studs, historical homesteads, vibrant wildlife and good old fashioned country hospitality. Lying just north-west of Newcastle and south of Tamworth, Upper Hunter Country is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.
What can you tell me about the Liverpool Plains? http://comeoninland.com.au/pdf/COI_LiverpoolPlains.pdf -> Distance to:Sydney – 360kms, Newcastle – 230kms, Forster – 360kms, Tamworth – 60kms, the Liverpool Plains is strategically nestled in the foothills of the Great Dividing Range, near Sydney, the Central Coast, the Hunter and the Mid-North Coast, Take the trip to the Liverpool Plains and see why the locals are so proud of their flourishing communities.
Clinic 1 Opening times:
- Monday: 2pm – 6pm
- Tuesday: 8:30am – 12:30pm
- Wednesday: 2pm – 6pm
- Thursday: 8:30am – 12:30pm
- Friday: 2pm – 6pm
Clinic 2 details
- Rent of $10,206
- Electricity = $4K pa
- 2 consulting rooms
- Nurses room
- Procedure room
- Kitchen
- Toilets x3
Clinic 2 Opening times:
- Monday: 6am – midday
- Tuesday: 1pm – 5pm
- Wednesday: 6am – midday
- Thursday: midday – 5pm
- Friday: 6am – midday
Clinic 2 details
- Rent of $7,920
- No power bill (free from the council)
- 2 consulting rooms
- Nurses room
- Procedure room
- Kitchen
- Toilets x3
Both clinics are bulk billed with pathology onsite at one of them bringing in additional income. With current accreditation for the next 3 years, this business owner gets PNIP’s for their practice nurse, PIPS for compliance, and SIP ACAI payments as an aged care access incentive to encourage GPs to provide increased and continuing services to the Residential Aged Care facilities. The current business owner is looking to sell in alignment with his daughter’s completion of year 12 and her entry into University. They will relocate to be close to whichever university she is accepted into. The clinic is so busy and profitable that the current owner needs additional tax strategies to minimize his payments!
Price reduction on 2.11.2018 for a quick sale pre Xmas!
Please contact us for further information & photos.
- Date: December 4, 2018
- Category: Practice Sales